July 2024 - Present
CasepointSenior Content Writer
Write and manage content for a SaaS legal technology company and trusted data discovery platform for large corporations and government agencies.
September 2023 - July 2024
Developed content to support the global organization’s technology-enabled services and software.
June 2021 - July 2023
BlackboardSenior Copywriter
Led all copywriting work in a client-facing agency. Managed contractors until finding and hiring an early-career copywriter to mentor. Guided several large-scale refreshes to improve the quality of messaging on higher education clients’ websites and ad formats.
March 2014 - June 2021
Wiley Education ServicesSenior Copywriter
Created content for higher education institutions in an agency. Helped develop client-specific style guides for each partner’s brand and preferences. From January 2018 to October 2019, specialized on an inbound marketing team.
June 2013 - March 2014
HoneywickDigital Marketing Director
Initially hired for large SEO project, but quickly promoted to lead digital and print marketing campaigns for the agency. Boosted flagship client Sleep Outfitters’ web visits by 81% and page views by 102% from previous year.
August 2009 - June 2013
Independent ContractorCopywriter
Performed a wide range of copy and blog projects for T-Mobile, Dell, Blackberry, and Wells Fargo. Held editing roles that included SEO-focused product description campaigns for eBay.